HOWTO - Managing subversion repositories

Creation of repository

Check for existence of your parent path (see List of related files/directories) directory or contact system administrator otherwise.
Then, $ svnadmin create /var/svn/$LOGIN/new_repo <samp>-test yes, this were a test... yep, a tab and many spaces <samp>-test yes, this were a test... yep, a tab and many spaces
<span>-test yes, this were a test... yep, a tab and many spaces
<code>-test yes, this were a test... yep, a tab and many spaces
will create new_repo svn repository. Who'd thought that?! :)))

yes, this were a test...
	yep, a tab   and many spaces
<p class="command">-test
yes, this were a test...
	yep, a tab   and many spaces


First, to get things work, all files in /pathto/repo/reponame files must be owned by USER and be in the group apache.
Second, they have to be writable by group to allow web server writes.
So, $ chown -R .apache /var/svn/$LOGIN/new_repo $ chmod -R g+w,o-rwx /var/svn/$LOGIN/new_repo will do all you need... :)
NOTE: No OTHER files or directories is allowed in the parent path!
That is, there must reside ONLY svnadmin-created directories under /var/svn/$LOGIN/ !